
10.April 2024, Rating list, WM Test, Logos

20.March 2024, Rating list update, 47 engines added, new logos

16.April 2023, Rating list update, Database cleanup, Name corrections

21.March.2023 - Rating list and games, 1000 games test, Test suite

10.Sep. 2022 - Rating list, 1000 games test, settings

12.June 2022 - CM personalities rating list, time influence

21.May.2022 - Rating List, Test suite, CM-personality

6.May.2022 - CM Hybrid, Rating list, Test Suite, links

14.Mar.2022 - 1000 games test, Ratinglist, Test suite, CM-settings, Grandmaster, CM only, contact

16.Jan.2022 - updates for Ratinglist, Logos

2.Jan.2022 - updates for Ratinglist, GM-page, Chess computer page added, my PC page added

29.Dec.2021 - CM-pers. Firouzja added

27.Dec:2021 - CM only page added

26.Dec.2021 - updates for Grandmaster Edition, Logos

23.Dec.2021 - updates for King Elos, Grandmaster Edition, 1000 games test

22.Dec.2021 - King ELOs added

12.Dec.2021 - Grandmaster page, downloads, Logos, settings

10.Dec.2021 - Links and Logos update

8.Dec.2021 - 1000 games test update. Four engines added.

6.Dec.2021 - Logos and links added, some corrections. Ratinglist now displays correct

5.Dec.2021 - Site online now!















Chessmasters only ?

As the name says here we talk about CM-personalities playing against other CM-personalities only. This games have its own law. The best settings from my rating list are not the best here. Why? I don't know but that doesn't matter :) Games from here was not added to my main data base for the rating list.

Playing thousends of games for rating lists  is interessting, but fun? On how many games will be looked? 90% remis with todays elo monsters, fun? Not realy for me. Beyound question, for analysis they are great.

I remember back some years (25 or 30?) as I visit a chess club here in Vienna. I was expecting old mans (Chessmasters?) that play quietly in smoked rooms but wait, I hear loud laughing and discussions!? Yes there was fun without end! No one cares about elos and rating lists. There was other rooms to play in quiet ambient but most players was in the main room. Since this day I know that chess can and should be fun! Badly through my work and family I didn't have the time to join the club.

Chessmaster is this main room for me. When playing games for my rating list I leave two cores for CM and like to play "The winner stays on board". A personality must make two wins and then plays against the next and so on. And sometimes I hear me say "Oh no what did you do?" or "come on you get it..." :)   Yes I know, I'm getting old and crazy :)  ...but it's fun for me and nothing more I will have with chess.

Ok, here is an ongoing tournament with CM's only. All against all. From time to time I add a new personality.

Time control 40m/5min, 128mb hash